Foot Health Practitioner 

Meet Lucy Mclerie

Lucy Mclerie

The idea to qualify as a Foot Health Practitioner came to me after 9 years of being a reflexologist. I gained my diploma level 3 at Stone bridge college and really enjoyed learning about the foot. I am now working alongside David at Essex Podiatry, here I carryout regular CPD (continued personal development) and stay up to date with professional guidelines within the Podiatry industry. I can now confidently help people by removing painful Corns and considerably reduce hard skin and thick nails. I can advice you or your child on the best way to treat a Verruca and can help reduce nerves with our younger clients.


I have undertaken a range of courses, including lymphatic drainage massage and I have a diploma in Counseling.

I thoroughly enjoy working at Essex Podiatry and it has given me an opportunity to gain even further knowledge.

In my personal life I have two beautiful children and a hairy dog. I enjoy swimming in open water and cycling. I have a strong interest in nutrition and alternative medicine and therapies.

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