Troubleshooting your ingrowing toenails

December 13, 2022
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Troubleshooting your ingrowing toenails

Are painful ingrown toenails stopping you from doing the things you love? Here at Essex Podiatry we know just how debilitating that can be. Here are some frequently asked questions that we get asked in clinic;

What can cause them?

• Cutting your nails too short

• Digging down the side of your toenail

• Letting your nails grow too long

• Trauma to the nail (stubbing your toe, playing sports etc.)

• Tight footwear

• It can be a genetic or hereditary condition

How do I know if I have one?

• Pain or tenderness

• Redness around the side of the toenail

• Swelling of the tissue around the toenail

• Pus, discharge or signs of infection

What are my treatment options?

If you have only had it for a few weeks, it may heal if the nail is cut properly and the wound is allowed to heal, however, if the ingrowing toenail has been present for a while, it comes and goes or keeps getting infected, we would suggest nail surgery.

What does surgery involve and what are the benefits?

Surgery involves painlessly removing the infected portion of the nail under local anaesthetic.

Depending on your symptoms, the shape of your nail and your medical history and occupation we may recommend removing one side of the nail, both sides of the nail or the whole toenail.

Click here to find out more about the procedure.

The benefits? Surgery will eradicate the pain and offer a permanent and simple solution!

How long will it take me to recover?

After you’ve had your surgery, we’ll book your redressing appointment which is normally within 3-7 days.

You will then be redressing your toe for 4-6 weeks. But don’t worry, we’ll tell you exactly how to change the dressing and keep your toe clean.

You might need to consider your choice of footwear for a couple of weeks after the surgery; plan for some open sandal style shoes to allow for the dressing.

Rest your foot as much as possible and plan for a few weeks without sport.

What should I do next?

Give us a call or book online for your initial appointment so we can assess your toe, advise you of the best option for you and relieve your pain and get you back to what you enjoy best.

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